There are four styles of tote bags available. Color availability depending on image selected; the colors are natural or black. The classic SHRS logo, Bubble Flower, and Circle images are printed with black ink on natural tote. The Butterfly and Safe Use Supplies are printed with white ink on black tote.
Product Image Descriptions:
The Southside Logo Tote has a circle in the center of the bag with flowers in the center. The word "Southside" is above the circle and "Harm Reduction Services" is below the circle. Image is on the natural tote.
The Safe Use Supplies Tote has drawings of new needles, cookers, cottons, alcohol swabs, band-aids, test strips, condoms, lube, and bubbles. There are drawings of small star bursts around the items. Image is on the black tote.
The Butterfly Tote has a butterfly in the center of the image whos body is a needle. There are flowers below the butterfly forming a half circle. The top part of the circle is formed by barbed wire. The words "Southside" are above the circle and "Harm Reduction" are below the circle. Image is on the black tote.
The Bubble Flower tote has a circle in the center of the shirt with a needle and bubble making an X shape. There is a rose coming up between them. The words "Harm Reduction" are above the circle and "Saves Lives" are below the circle. Image is on the natural tote.
The Circle tote tote has a circle with "Southside Harm Reduction Services" written inside of circle. Behind text are drawings of plants with their roots stretching down throughout the circle behind the text. Black ink on natural tote.
Butterfly, Safe Use Supplies, and Bubble Flower illustrations by Emi Hasty.
Circle illustration by Sarah Mering.